What a nice way to start my day!!!
Ah, that Suzie! Makes me work and work. " You could make and you could make that!" rofl - You know I love ya! lol
Now, as a part of this award, I am to answer these question with one word answers. .that is a real challenge to me! Then, I'm to share this with six other Wonderful Women!! So, let's get started. . .
1. Where is your cell phone? by the tv, we almost always forget
it when we go out. I think only a handful of people have the
number anyway
2. Your hair? short, getting more gray all the time.
3. Your Mother? Well, sure, I had one. Mom died when I was 19.
4. Your Father? Dad died when I was 23
5. Your Favorite Food? way too many - steak and lobster top the list, french fries,
6. Your Dream Last Night? Bear was in the yard again
7. Your Favorite Drink? Pepsi
8. Your Dream/Goal? just to be happy
9. What Room Are You In? Living room
10. Your Hobby? Gardening, beading, tea tasting, ceramics, a little of this and that.
11. Your fear? Fire
12. Where Do You Want To Be In 6 Years? Right here
13. Where Were You Last Night? Home
14. Something That You Aren't - lol - thin
15. Muffins? blueberry - but prefer a bagel
16. Wish List Item? good health
17. Where Did You Grow Up? New Jersey Shore
18. Last Thing You Did? packing hosta
19. What Are You Wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? Off
21. Your Pets? none
22. Friends? Priceless
23. Your Life? busy retirement - lol
24. Your Mood? good
25. Missing Someone? No
26. Vehicle? Hyundai
27. Something You're Not Wearing? Shoes
28. Your Favorite Store? craft stores, bead stores
29. Your Favorite Color? blues, red, burgundy, black
30. When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Today
31. Last Time You Cried? September
32. Your Best Friend? Hubby
33. One Place I Go To Over and Over? woods
34. One Person Who Emails Me Regularly? Suzie, daughter Debbie
35. Favorite Place To Eat? Home
Now, I'm passing this award along to 6 women who truly deserve it! (And as they say on DWTS, in no particular order!) This is always SO hard for me, because I think that everyone that I follow has an absolutely outstanding blog! Some already have been given this award, so I'm trying to spread the accolades, not ignore anyone!
NOW I HAVE TO FIND 6 PEOPLE - rofl - I'm such a hermit!