Monday, February 13, 2012


I bought this enameled buddha pendant a few years back. Some times things just have to sit around a while before the inspiration hits. I had ordered the colors before we went to Fla, but still didn't have a firm idea of what I wanted to do. Then one morning I was surfing for Tai Chi instructions and happened on some pagado pictures. I knew then, what I wanted to do.
This is just the embroidery portion. I need to do the lining yet, and the necklace portion will
be tubular peyote. I'll post another photo when finished. I had to order some more beads.
I'm enjoying bead embroidery.


Dawn Doucette said...

Pam... this is so veryyyyyy cool! Love the Buddah, and really love the pagoda pattern to accent it! How awesome! Happy Beading!

Pelantura said...

Va muy bien, tengo ganas de ver como te queda. Enhorabuena!!!

Pelantura said...

Muy, muy, muy bonito!!!

chrissie said...

Wonderful work.

Love Chrissie xx