Someone passed this pattern onto me last summer and it's been one I've been wanting to try since I first saw it. It's one of those things that just make you say, "I've got to try that!" I believes it comes from Russia. I have seen it on various European sites dubbed 'The Twisted Triangle' or the "Russian Twisted Triangle.' It should be the "Drive You Mad Russian Triangle"!
But think cellini triangle, and it is really not hard. And yet, I worked on and off yesterday on one and started over 4 times. 4lb Fireline broke 3 times while keeping tension tight! Unbelievable! So today, I picked up 6lb test. And again, almost done and the 6lb broke. So, I start to think that it is not the Fireline itself, but sharp edges on the 15/0 delica beads. Fortunately, I had some Toho
rounded 15/0's. Finally, I completed the first half. A second triangle is now made and the two zipped together for a focal bead. But I'm also thinking that this half could now be stitched done to backing and become part of a beaded embroidery piece.