Starlight, Starbright, or Starry Nights, both names are over used, I guess. How about Winter Nights? The stars seemed the brightest here in the winter. The tubular beads are stitched in peyote, using delica black #310 with an occasional bead of #551 for a sparkle. Silverplated stars, 10 and 12 mm and Swarovski stars, 20 mm and 28 mm are strung along a silver chain. I even found a star clasp.
A couple of hints.
Keep silver in a sealed bag when not in use. It will help keep the silver from tarnishing. Walmart sells polishing cloths that remove tarnish easily on small pieces.
When making tube beads, it helps to string some smaller beads inside the tube to keep it's shape.
1 comment:
Winter Night is the perfect name for it, I really like it (the name and the necklace :-))
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