Continue rounds of herringbone stitch until you are about even with the shoulder of
the wooden or core bead. Now, we'll start to reduce.
Step 15 After you create the black herringbone stitch in this row, you'll come up in the silver
herringbone row and add only 1 silver bead.
Step 16 Go back down through the silver bead and come up in the copper herringbone stitch.
Create herringbone stitch.
Add only 1 silver bead in the next silver area, create black herringbone stitch.
Repeat around add only 1 silver bead in the silver rows and creating normal herringbone
stitch in the black and copper area.
Step 17 Start the next row with the black herringbone stitch, coming down through the black bead,
pass through the single silver bead, and up through the copper bead.
Add only 1 copper bead in the copper herringbone area, repeat around.
Only the black herringbone stitch is repeated in this row.
Do a little pushing and squeezing here to shaped the bead work around your core bead.
Step 18, create black herringbone stitch, add 1 black bead, pass through copper bead,
add 1 black bead, create black herringbone. Repeat around keep tension as tight as possible
and pushing beads together.
Step 19,
Pass back through
all the black beads in
the last round. Push
beads in tight together,
keep tension tight, you
can pass through the beads
a second time to bring them
in tight. To tie off, I do a couple half hitches and then work the thread back a few stitches before
cutting thread.
Great tutorials!
What size wooden bead are using in this tutorial?
I look forward to more beaded bead tutorials.
Great tutorials.
What size wooden bead are using in this tutorial?
I look forward to more beaded bead tutorials.
your tutorial is easy to follow... thanks
How lovely! Thank you so much!! It is a lot clearer now to me than before... It took me one full day before and still did not come right. huh...
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